Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH

General information
Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH
Prinzregentenstr. 52
80538 München

Contact person: Robert Phelps, Chief Executive Officer
Company main phone: +49 (89) 54801770
Company main fax:  +49 (89) 548017799
Year founded:2007
Source of foundation: Other
Name of foundation source:University of Bavaria e.V. and The Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences e.V.
Corporate description / mission:
The Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH (BayPAT) was founded as the central patent and marketing agency to foster technology transfer of the 28 Bavarian Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. Under the umbrella of the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA), BayPAT is a full-service technology management provider offering services in the area of technology transfer, IP management and commercialization. Key clients are the Bavarian Universities, University Hospitals and Universities of Applied Sciences and its over 25.000 associated scientists, as well as non-university research facilities, industry, and independent inventors worldwide. The main focus in assessing and exploiting IP are the areas of biotechnology, chemistry, medical engineering, physics, automotive industry, energy and environment engineering, information and communication technology and mechanical engineering.
State of ownership: Private / independent
Headquarters: HQ: Yes
  • Professional Services and Consulting
  • Management consulting
  • Patents & Trademarks
  • Technology transfer
Business model:
  • Service company
Customer segments:
  • Large biotech & big pharma
  • Small biotech