General information
Synovo GmbH
Paul-Ehrlich Str. 15
72076 Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg
Contact person: Michael Burnet, Managing Director
Company main phone: +49 (7071) 964325
Company main fax: +49 (7071) 964326
Year founded: | 2004
Source of foundation: | Independent foundation |
Corporate description / mission:
Synovo is a drug discovery company with a primary focus on inflammation and innate immune processes. The main candidate, SYD003, is an Orphan Drug designated for the treatment of pancreatic cancer by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
State of ownership: Private / independent
Headquarters: HQ: Yes
Sector: |
- Biotechnology - Therapeutics and Diagnostics
Primary therapeutic areas: |
- Neoplasms / cancer / oncology
- Respiratory / pulmonology
Business model: |
- In-licensing
- Out-licensing
- R&D
- Research on contract basis
- Service company
Customer segments: |
- Large biotech & big pharma
- Large medtech
- Small biotech
- Small medtech
Summary Products / Services / Technologies
Number of Biotech Products
Description of products: