General information
Waldhofer Str. 104
69123 Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
Contact person: Claus Kremoser, Chief Executive Officer
Company main phone: +49 (6221) 65282-0
Year founded: | 2020
Source of foundation: | Independent foundation |
Corporate description / mission:
WMT develops small molecules to treat late-stage solid cancers. The company targets the so-called Warburg metabolism, i.e. the high rate of glycolysis and lactate production that is adopted by late-stage tumors. Applying anti-Warburg Warheads (AWWs) dim down this specific form of cancer metabolism, thereby lowering the lactate in the tumor microenvironment. As a result, achieve inhibition of tumor growth as such as well as re-stimulation of the immune system against the solid tumor.
State of ownership: Private / independent
Headquarters: HQ: Yes
Sector: |
- Biotechnology - Therapeutics and Diagnostics
Subsector: |
- Immunotherapy
- Small molecules
Primary therapeutic areas: |
- Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs & immune disorders / hematology / immunology
- Neoplasms / cancer / oncology
Customer segments: |
- Large biotech & big pharma
- Small biotech