Baker Tilly GmbH & Co KG

General information
Baker Tilly GmbH & Co KG
Cecilienallee 6-7
40474 Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia

Contact person: Martin Orth, Partner, Chief Sales Officer
Company main phone: +49 (211) 690101
Company main fax:  +49 (211) 69011250
Source of foundation:Independent foundation
No. of employees: Worldwide:  35000
Corporate description / mission:
Baker Tilly provides a broad range of consulting services in the areas of audit & advisory, legal, and tax worldwide. For the healthcare industry, the company offers services in the areas of hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, senior citizens and care centers, medical associations, and health insurance companies of various sponsorships, sizes, and structures. The focus areas include future management: successfully modernize, restructure, and refurbish, design advice for the sectoral networking of inpatient and outpatient healthcare, structural advice: design of various forms of cooperation - from cooperation in secondary/tertiary areas to the implementation of holding and group structures or mergers, PPP models, financing, development of business controlling and reporting systems, preparation of business plans, company valuations, due diligence, and transaction advice, etc.
State of ownership: Private / independent
Headquarters: HQ: Yes
  • Professional Services and Consulting
  • Financial services
  • Legal services
  • Management consulting
Business model:
  • Service company