General information
Freiligrathstraße 12
55131 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate
Contact person: Michael Ludorf, Managing Director
Company main phone: +49 (6131) 21610
Company main fax: +49 (6131) 2161100
Year founded: | 2010
Source of foundation: | Independent foundation |
Corporate description / mission:
TRON is a transdisciplinary, not-for-profit research organization based at the Technologiezentrum Mainz. TRON pursues new diagnostics and drugs for the treatment of cancer and other severe diseases with a high medical need. Their focus is translating scientific insights into clinical practice and developing them for commercialization.
State of ownership: Private / independent
Headquarters: HQ: Yes
Sector: |
- Public / Non-Profit Organizations / Medical Facilities
Primary therapeutic areas: |
- Neoplasms / cancer / oncology
Customer segments: |
- Other
- Large biotech & big pharma
- Small biotech
Summary Products / Services / Technologies
Description of products:
TRON conducts collaborative research into immunological mechanisms and therapeutic modulation of the immune system. Specializing in cancer immunology and genomics, they identify and characterize disease-relevant molecular targets, including developing tailored bioinformatical and novel biostatistical approaches.
They design and improve technologies for biomarker discovery and biopharmaceutical drug development.