General information
EMBLEM Technology Transfer GmbH
Boxbergring 107
69126 Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
Contact person: Gábor M. Lamm, Managing Director
Company main phone: +49 (6221) 3632210
Company main fax: +49 (6221) 3632229
Year founded: | 1999
Source of foundation: | Subsidiary |
Name of foundation source: | European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) |
Corporate description / mission:
EMBLEM Technology Transfer GmbH (EMBLEM) identifies, protects and commercialises the intellectual property developed in the EMBL-world, from EMBL-alumni and from third parties. EMBLEM facilitates and accelerates the transfer of technology from basic research to industry by working closely with industrial partners spanning the biotech, IT and mechanical/electrical engineering markets to develop new diagnostics, drugs, therapies, machines and devices.
State of ownership: Private / independent
Headquarters: HQ: No
Sector: |
- Professional Services and Consulting
Subsector: |
- Patents & Trademarks
- Technology transfer
Business model: |
- Service company
- Subsidiary
Customer segments: |
- Large biotech & big pharma
- Small biotech
Summary Products / Services / Technologies
Description of products:
Activities of EMBLEM:
-identification and commercial development of life science technologies;
-patent and copyright protection of Intellectual Property;
-licensing of EMBL technologies to third parties;
-contracting and developing collaborative research agreements;
-marketing and contracting of scientific consultancy services;
-advising and structuring EMBL spin-off companies;
-training and education.