BIO.NRW Academic Database

It is our goal to provide a comprehensive overview and up-to-date company directory. Therefore, we are constantly updating and completing the database. Nevertheless, it is always possible that organizations are missing or not all latest information are entered in the database.
If you are associated with an organization which you would like to enter in our database, please fill out the form below. You will then be asked to do a search for your organization to avoid a duplicate entry. If it already exists, you can update this profile. This service is free of charge.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Please make a selection below:

List my organization:
Your organization is not listed in the database yet but you would like to add it.
Update my organization:
Please choose this option if you have found the organization you are working for in the database and you would like to update the record.
Recommend this organization:
You can recommend any organization to be listed in our database by choosing this option.